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Shadows And Tall Trees

Album: Boy

Boy Cover
I testi sono di proprietà degli U2

Shadows And Tall Trees 

Back to the cold restless streets at night
Talk to myself about tomorrow night.
Walls of white protest
A gravestone in name
Who is it now?
It's always the same.

Who is it now?
Who calls me inside?
Are the leaves on the trees
Just a living disguise?
I walk the street rain
I'll walk home again
To the street melody.

But I know, oh no
But I know, oh no
But I know.

Shadows and tall trees
Shadows and tall trees
Shadows and tall trees
Shadows and tall trees.

Life through a window
Discoloured pain
Mrs Brown's washing is always the same
I walk the street rain
I'll walk home again
To the street melody.

But I know, oh no
But I know, oh no
But I know.

Do you feel in me
Anything redeeming
Any worthwhile feeling?
Is love like a tightrope
Hanging on my ceiling?

But I know, oh no
But I know, oh no
But I know.

Shadows and tall trees
Shadows and tall trees
Shadows and tall trees
Shadows and tall trees.

Shadows, shadows, shadows.
Shadows, shadows, shadows.
Shadows and tall trees.

Shadows, shadows, shadows.
Shadows, shadows, shadows.
Shadows and tall trees. 



Torna alla discografia

Torna a Boy

©U2place.com Fans Club 1999-2014 - Creato da Rudy Urbinati
La community online più famosa e più importante in Italia sugli U2

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